High School Career and College Promise Students

The Career and College purpose is to offer structured opportunities for qualified high school students to dually enroll in community college courses that provide pathways that lead to a certificate, diploma, degree, or State or industry-recognized credentials, as well as provide entry-level job skills.

Career and College Promise (CCP) students may enroll in both a College Transfer certificate program and a Career Technical Education program of study with the approval of the high school principal and LCC’s Dean of Student Services. All course work taken at Lenoir Community College is considered college credit and will be placed permanently on your transcript.

Complete High School Students (CCP) Application
Submit an official transcript from your high school.

This College Transfer Pathway is designed for high school juniors and seniors in university–prep programs to enroll in college level courses that will transfer to a four–year college or university.

CCP College Transfer Pathway

Designed for high school juniors and seniors in select high school career cluster programs, this pathway allows students to enroll in college level courses that align with their high school career courses.

Career Technical Education Pathway
Qualified high school students in North Carolina have the opportunity through the Career and College Promise program to obtain credit tuition-free while they are in high school, allowing a jump-start on workplace and college preparation.
High School Catalog Handbook

Explore and learn more about the resources needed to be a successful Career and College Promise student.

High School Students Career and College Promise Resource Guide


Athena Wilson
Director of Student Success and Equity

Administration (Building 003)
Room 134B
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 391
Fax: (252) 233-6879
Email: anwilson15@lenoircc.edu