Scholarship Publication Information
Your entire scholarship package must be completed and received by the LCC Foundation Office no later than .

    Scholarship Publication Information
    Scholarship Information
    Student Name:
    Scholarship Name:

    Scholarship Requirements
    Scholarship Requirements
    To receive your scholarship award you must:

    • Attend the photograph session. Your photograph will be taken for Foundation publications.
    • Sunday dress is REQUIRED for photographs.
    • Write a thank-you note to your scholarship donor (see instructions below).
    Scholarship Acceptance
    Scholarship Acceptance:

    I accept the above named scholarship to attend Lenoir Community College.

    Receiving Award

    Photograph Session Information
    Photograph Session:

    Please choose from the following times to have your photograph taken. Arrive early, be prepared to write your final thank-you note, and allow adequate time to complete all paperwork.

    How to Write a Thank You Note:
    How to write a thank you note
    • Make sure you have spelled every word correctly.
    • Your notes should sound sincere.
    • Use expressions most natural to you.
    • Write enthusiastically as you would if you were talking to the donor.
    • Let the donor know what area of study you plan to pursue.
    • Let the donor know what you plan to do after you graduate.
    • Mention what this award means to you and your future.
    • Always end your note with a positive, uplifting tone.
    • Do not begin your thank-you note with "to whom it may concern" or "scholarship committee".
    Thank you note Requirements

    A Foundation staff member will approve your note and make any necessary corrections. You will handwrite the approved message on a notecard. The donor's name and address will be available at this time. If your handwriting is hard to read, make a special effort to write legibly.

    The Foundation staff will mail the envelopes for you. Do not mail the thank-you note directly to your donor. The thank-you note must be approved by the Foundation Office.

    Enter Your Thank You Note Below:

    Student Authorization
    Student Authorization:

    I agree that Lenoir Community College and the LCC Foundation may use photographs, slides, videos, or illustrations of students in newsletters/publications produced by LCC, in slide presentations, videos, and/or websites about the scholarships, by the news media in LCC Foundation news coverage, in video productions aired on television produced by the LCC Foundation, and in other similar forms of communication. Local media (TV, newspaper, radio stations) frequently want to interview students to add a personal touch to stories. Students' comments may be used in newspapers or broadcast on radio or TV.