Customized Training Programs

The Customized Training Program supports the economic development efforts of North Carolina by providing education and training opportunities for eligible businesses and industries. One of the most important factors for a business or industry considering locating, expanding, or remaining in North Carolina is the ability of the state to ensure the presence of a well trained workforce. This program reacts quickly to the needs of businesses and respects the confidential nature of proprietary processes and information within those businesses.

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NC Edge
Customized Training

Find your edge in North Carolina. The first state training program of its kind, NC Edge partners with the North Carolina Community College System to provide the customized training you need to achieve your business goals. A long tradition of collaborative partnerships and deep bench of resources can help you usher in your next phase of growth.

customized training


Dr. Dusk Stroud
Associate Dean of Business Development & Partnerships

AAMC (Building 030)
Room 121
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 706
Fax: (252) 527-2109